[Statistical surveys in Mali: on indicators markers for development]

In November 1993 in Bamako Mali the National Directorship of Statistics and Information held a meeting for 60 cadres of different administrations and national services to present the results of the National Surveys on Budget-Expenses (EBC) and on the Informal Sector (ESI). EBC took place between June 1988 and May 1989 and aimed to improve knowledge on food nutrition and household expenses. Annual per capita household expenses varied from 84000 FCFA in Mopti to 214000 FCFA in Bamako District. Per capita expenses in rural areas were 66% of that in urban areas (166500 vs. 181000 FCFA). Expenses per unit of food increased with the size of the unit of food. Expenses per person fell with unit food size. Each person consumed on average 202 kg/year providing 92% of energy needs. Protein needs were more than satisfied (115%). 23.7% of children aged 0-10 had stunted growth (25.3% in rural areas vs. 19.5% in urban areas). Malnutrition occurred in 11.5% of urban children and 11.7% of rural children. Malnutrition was present in 93% of less than one year olds and in 36.5% of children aged 12-48 months. 19% of women and 14.5% of men were malnourished. ESI was conducted between September 1989 and January 1990. The mean rate of activity was 55.35%. Unemployed persons made up about 1% of this rate. 45970 persons were active in the informal sector most in urban areas (60%). The informal sector comprised 16% of the total active population. In Bamako District the active population in the informal sector was 155000 persons. The rate of real activity in Bamako was 40% for men and 31% for women. The unemployment rate was 8.4% for men and 5.8% for women. 80% of unemployed persons in Bamako were less than 35 years old. 24% and 18% of the unemployed had secondary and postsecondary education respectively.
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