Ecology of poor-cod (Trisopterus minutus) on the Faroe Bank

Abstract Living in an oceanic ecosystem on the edge of its distribution range, the Faroe Bank's poor-cod occurs in a special habitat. This paper gives a general description of the ecology of poor-cod living on the Faroe Bank. Poor-cod live on the shallow part of the Bank in a habitat mainly consisting of shell sand and sand. They prefer depths between 121 and 133 m. The average length of fish caught is about 21 cm (range 14–28 cm), which is somewhat higher than normally found for this species in other areas. A sex-specific difference occurs in the growth pattern, with faster growth for females. Generally, the individual growth is high for poor-cod on the Faroe Bank compared to other areas, which is probably due to the favourable environmental conditions on the Bank, with high temperature and abundant food supply. The main spawning occurs in the second half of April. Females reach sexual maturity at an earlier age than males (1.7 vs. 2.7 years), but their length is the same, about 20 cm. Crustaceans form b...
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