RAVE stars tidally stripped or ejected from the ω Centauri globular cluster

Using six-dimensional phase-space information from the Fourth Data release of the RAdial Velocity Experiment (RAVE) over the range of Galactic longitude 240° LSR , we computed orbits for 329 RAVE stars that were originally selected as chemically and kinematically related to ω Centauri. The orbits were integrated in a Milky-Way-like axisymmetric Galactic potential, ignoring the effects of the dynamical evolution of ω Centauri due to the tidal effects of the Galaxy disk on the cluster along time. We also ignored secular changes in the Milky Way potential over time. In a Monte Carlo scheme, and under the assumption that the stars may have been ejected with velocities greater than the escape velocity (V rel >V esc,0 ) from the cluster, we identified 15 stars as having close encounters with ω Centauri: (i) 8 stars with relative velocities V rel may have been ejected ~200 Myr ago from ω Centauri; (ii) another group of 7 stars were identified with high relative velocity V rel > 200 km s-1 during close encounters, and it seems unlikely that they were ejected from ω Centauri. We also confirm the link between J131340.4-484714 as a potential member of ω Centauri, and probably ejected ~2.0 Myr ago, with a relative velocity V rel ~ 80 km s-1 .
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