Incontinencia de orina en mujeres mendocinas Urinary incontinence in mendocinian women

7.5 [13-6], CI: 95%, p <0.0001) for those who had UI. We also found a relation between UI and high BMI and weight, being the BMI median of 26.95 (intermedian difference: 2.62 [2.4-4.5], CI: 95%, p <0.0001), and 70.5 kg (intermedian difference: 6.75 [6-12], CI: 95%, p <0.0001) for weight. As for pregnancies and deliveries, we found that the greater number of these, greater the percentage of UI, finding a linear relation between both of them (p <0.0001). HBP increases the risk of UI 6.82 times (CI: 95%, p <0.0001). The same happens with diabetes, where the risk is 4.98 times bigger (CI: 95%, p <0.0016). Only the 38% (n:35) reported moderate to severe disturbances of their quality of life. In the multivariate analysis, it was found that the two independent factors predictors of UI were age and HBP (p:0.035 and p:0.029, respectively). Conclusion: UI is a prevalent pathology between women of our hospital. It is necessary to go deeper in knowledge about the relation between UI and HBP. There is reluctance to spontaneous consultation and treatment even in women with important affectation in their QOL.
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