Geochemiczna zmienność pierwiastków ziem rzadkich i metali ciężkich w osadach profundalu i litoralu wybranych jezior Polski

GEOCHEMICAL VARIABILITY OF RARE EARTH ELEMENTS AND HEAVY METALS IN PROFUNDAL AND LITTORAL SEDIMENTS FROM SELECTED LAKES OF POLAND Abstract. Sixty sediment samples were collected from 30 glacial lakes of Pomerania, Wielkopolska-Kujawy and Warmia-Masuria Lakelands. The influence of the lake basin lithology and sedimentation zone on the contents of the elements in sediment was investigated. The samples were digested in Aqua Regia and analysed by ICP-MS methods and ICP-OES techniques for REE contents (La, Pr, Nd, Sm, Eu, Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, Tm, Yb, Lu). As, Cd, Co, Cu, Hg, Mo, Ni, Pb, Sn, V, W, Zn contents were determined by ICP-OES method. The sediments show higher contents of REE in the littoral zone than in the profundal zone. The sediments from the lakes located on low-permeable glacial sediments are more abundant in heavy metals and REE in relation to the sediments from the lakes located on highly permeable glacial sediments. Distribution of the trace elements in lake sediments is strongly dependent on the type of geological formations on which the lake is developed and on the sedimentation zone of the lake. REE are preferentially accumulated in the littoral zone contrary to the heavy metals that are accumulated in the deepest zone of the lake. Factor analysis proves that the presence of REE and heavy metals in the lake sediment is associated with the type of geological formation.
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