Взаимосвязь оводненности тканей свеклы сахарной различных селекционных типов с ее химическим составом

One of the factors for obtaining sugar beet roots that meet all processing requirements is the correct selection of hybrids according to the selection type when forming a sugar beet growing zone. This is due to the different intensity of metabolism in them, which can potentially lead to the formation of different components of the solid and liquid phase. The aim of the research was to study the correlation between the water content of sugar beet tissue of various selection types and the chemical composition of root crops. There were studied sugar beet hybrids of three breeding types: productive, productive-sugary, and sugary; 5 hybrids out of 15 hybrids of each type were selected and grown with the use of a single cultivation technology at one farm in 2016. On the average, the highest absolute content of dry matter (24.2%) and sucrose (17.90%) were registered in the hybrids of the sugary type, followed by the productive-sugary type and the productive type. The proportion of sucrose in the dry substances changed in other dependence: it increased from the hybrids of the productive type to sugary-productive and sugary type and the proportion of nonsucrose increased in the mirror row. On the average, the total absolute water content decreased in the following correlation: productive - productive-sugary -sugary; and the absolute content of free water changed according to the similar dependence. The proportion of free water in the total content varied in the following order: productive-sugary - sugary - productive types. The correlation between the indicators of water content of sugar beet and its chemical composition was considered. There was established close correlation of the proportion of free water with the juice indicator, the proportion of bound water with the protein content in the cell fluid. The results confirm that different types of sugar beet hybrids form different water balances under the same conditions, and the water content indicators correlate with the chemical composition.
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