Determining the relationship between varying inclusions of Bacillus Lichenformis and Tribasic Cu Chloride on 42 d Ross 708 male broiler performance

SUMMARY Probiotics, such as Bacillus licheniformis (BL) and some trace minerals, such as Copper, (supplied via Tribasic Cu Chloride; TBCC) have been explored singularly in the literature for use in antibiotic-free poultry production. However, these additives are often applied in combination, without much peer-reviewed research conducted on their interactive effects. Therefore, the objective was to examine the individual and interactive effects of supplementing commercially available BL (Yes or No) and TBCC (0, 125, or 250 ppm) within an all-vegetable diet on d 0-42 male broiler performance. Interactions between BL x TBCC were established for d 18-30 BW gain (BWG) and d 0-30 FI/bird (FI). For BWG, 125 ppm TBCC maximized gain, while including BL+TBCC decreased gain. For d 0-30 FI, feeding TBCC alone increased FI, while inclusions of BL+TBCC decreased FI; from d 0-30, regardless of FI, FCR was not affected. For d 30-42 BWG, broilers receiving 250 ppm TBCC had the highest BWG, while broilers fed all other TBCC inclusions performed similarly. On d 42, 5 birds/treatment were randomly selected for cecal tonsil sampling to determine the presence of Salmonella or E. coli. While Salmonella was not detected, birds fed diets containing TBCC had less E. coli as compared to birds fed diets without TBCC; BL had no effect on E. coli. Overall, no significant overall performance differences were found. However, the observed intermittent BL x TBCC interactions demonstrate their combined use may negatively affect performance, warranting further research to ensure they and other combined antibiotic alternatives do not have antagonistic effects.
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