[Quality and Structure of Outpatient Care for Adults with ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) - Results of the RAABE-Study [Retrospective Data Analysis of ADHD Treatment in Adults]].

OBJECTIVE: Data on the quality and structure of outpatient care for adults with ADHD in Germany are scarce. The study describes the reality of care and identifies possible measures for improvement. METHODE: Vollerhebung aller ambulanten GKV-Patienten ≥ 18 Jahre mit ICD-Code F90.0 fur das Jahr 2012 im Freistaat Bayern. RESULTS: The analysis revealed a diagnostic prevalence of ADHD in adults in Bavaria of 0.1 %, which was lower than expected based on ADHD prevalence estimates in the general population (about 3 %). Patients were diagnosed by specialists for CNS disorders and by general practitioners. About 30 % of patients received a medication approved for the treatment of ADHD, and these were in approx. 75 % of cases prescribed by specialists for CNS disorders. About 50 % of the patients received psychotherapy. CONCLUSION: General practitioners play an important role for medical care of adult patients with ADHD. Continuous medical education programmes and collaboration between general practitioners and specialists is an urgent imperative for improving outpatient care of ADHD in adults.
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