1st Latin American and Caribbean interlaboratory comparison exercise for SSDLs on reference irradiation capabilities in personal dose equivalent.

A comparison exercise of Latin American and Caribbean Secondary Standard Dosimetry Laboratories (SSDLs) was jointly organized by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and the Ionizing Radiation Metrology Laboratory at the Federal University of Pernambuco (LMRI-DEN/UFPE). This exercise was organized during an IAEA regional meeting on the review and update of calibration capabilities in Latin America, held in Recife, during the period from 23 to 27 April 2018 under the technical cooperation project ME-RLA 9085-170572. Fifteen participating SSDLs were required to irradiate optically stimulated personal dosimeters in terms of the personal dose equivalent Hp(10) in 137Cs radiation quality. In addition, the IAEA Dosimetry Laboratory in Seibersdorf, Austria, and the National Physical Laboratory (NPL) in Teddington, Middlesex, UK participated in this exercise as reference institutes. Each participant received 10 dosimeters that were hand-carried directly to the SSDL. Two nominal dose values of 2 mSv and 4 mSv were selected for this exercise. The participants irradiated the dosimeters using the setup and the procedures which is normally used for their standard laboratory for Hp(10) dosimeter irradiations. The dosimeters were evaluated as they were received by the coordinating laboratory, using a single BeOSL Reader. The results show that, except for one laboratory, the differences between the dosimeter reading and the assigned values were within 10%, and is consistent with the expanded uncertainty. The results indicate that most of the participant laboratories have a good capability to irradiate personal dosimeters in the quantity Hp(10).
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