针头喷雾离子化质谱技术在化生毒剂检测中的应用研究 The Application of Syringe Spray in the Detection of Chemical-Biological Toxic Agent

近年来常压离子化技术(Ambient Ionization)因其具有样品前处理简化、现场快速等特点在质谱的应用中受到广泛关注,本文针对该研究热点,将针头喷雾常压离子化方法应用于化学生物毒剂检测,在实验室离子阱质谱仪上对半挥发性化学毒剂VX的模拟剂邻苯二甲酸二乙酯、HD的模拟剂硫二甘醇样品进行检测,对生物毒剂模拟剂P物质、次乌头碱样品进行了检测。实验结果表明,针头喷雾离子化质谱技术能够实现对化学和生物毒剂模拟剂样品的在线快速检测,从提取样品到得到质谱检测结果,检测时间约为1.5 min;对P物质的针头喷雾检测与Nano-ESI喷雾检测相比,离子流强度提高了1.4倍,同时离子流信号也较稳定;对次乌头碱和污水混合液进行了检测,模拟了实际应用中的现场环境。因此,针头喷雾质谱技术是一种适合现场化生毒剂在线快速检测的新型常压离子化质谱技术。 Recently, Ambient Ionization has attracted extensive attention for its simplified sample-pre- treatment and on-site mass spectrum. In this paper, we use ambient syringe spray ionization method and expand its application in the detection of chemical and biological toxic agent. We detect semi-volatile chemical toxic agent simulant including VX’s simulant Diethyl phthalate, HD’s simulant Thiodiglycol and biological toxic agent stimulant Substance P and Hypaconitine on ion-trap mass spectrometry. The results showed that syringe spray can fulfill the goal of direct and online mass spectrum to chemical-biological toxic agent. The detection time is about 1.5 min. To Substance P, syringe spray’s total ion current (TIC) is improved about 1.4 times compared to Nano-ESI. Meanwhile, syringe spray’s total ion current is more stable than Nano-ESI. To Hypaco-nitine, we detect its sewage solution by syringe spray to simulate its real application in-site. In conclusion, syringe spray is a new ambient mass spectrum technique fitting in-site, online and rapid detection.
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