Expression of VEGF and CD68 in the Placenta of Gestational Diabetic Mothers (Immunohistochemistry and Ultrastructural Study) Expresión de VEGF y CD68 en la Placenta de Madres Diabéticas Gestacionales (Estudio Inmunohistoquímico y Ultraestructural)

& Karaman, E.YAVUZ, D.; BALSAK, D.; EKINCI, C.; TAHAOGLU, A. E; TOGRUL, C.; GORUK, N.; AKTAS, A. & KARAMAN, E. Expressionof VEGF and CD68 in the placenta of gestational diabetic mothers (Immunohistochemistry and ultrastructural study). Int. J. Morphol.,33(2):522-526, 2015.SUMMARY: Placental angiogenesis, is essential for embryonic and fetal development. In this study, 18 gestational diabetesmellitus and 22 control pregnancies were included. Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) groups compared to the control group sig nificantlyhigher values were detected (p<0.01). The following histological results were assessed; villous immaturity, chorangiosis, presence of,sncytial knots,mononuclear cell infiltration ischemia and fibrinoid necrosis. To evaluate and compare the placental histology o f normaland GDM pregnancies. placentas of pregnant women with gestational diabetes also in terms of angiogenesis and macrophages andultratructural revealed by examining the possible relationship between fetal complications were investigated.KEY WORDS: Gestational Diabetes (GDM); VEGF; CD68; Ultrastructure.
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