Sudorese Profusa e Hipotermia após Administração de Morfina por Via Subaracnóidea. Relato de Caso * Excessive Sweating and Hypothermia after Spinal Morphine. Case Report

SUMMARY Bicalho GP, Castro CHV, Cruvinel MGC, Bessa Junior RC -Excessive Sweating and Hypothermia after Spinal Morphine.Case Report BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES : Anesthesia and surgeryoften promote significant temperature changes. Hypothermiaduring anesthesia is the most common perioperative thermaldisorder. This report describes an unusual body heat balancechange associated to spinal morphine. CASE REPORT : Female patient, 44 years old, physical statusASA I, with no previous diseases, admitted for abdominal hys-terectomy due to uterine myomatosis. Spinal anesthesia wasperformed with 20 mg hyperbaric bupivacaine and 100 gmor-phine and surgical procedure was eventless. In the post-anes-thetic recovery unit (PACU), 3h30 minutes after blockade,patient presented excessive sweating, even leading to detach-mentofelectrodesandadhesivetapes,mildsleepinessandde-creased tympanic temperature to 35.2 oC. Temperature wasmaintained below36 oC for the next 60 minutes and 90 minuteslatertemperaturewas36.2oCwithtotalremissionofsymptoms.
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