P-1230 - The patient with schizophrenia writes blog; new way for thought pattern perception or the risk in figurative world?

The access into the internal world of a schizophrenic patient has always been important for psychiatrists. They want to know the thoughts of a schizophrenic patient. Although interviews reveal some of these aspects, some patients cannot give enough information because of flat affect, social isolation, anxiety, and paranoia thoughts, but these patients in their loneliness can create paintings, poems, diaries, and notes which can have key role to their unknown thoughts. Technology development and social relations can also be useful. Here, with the focus on technology, the revision of ways of investigation, and analyzing the thoughts of a patient with schizophrenia, we investigate on his weblogs, and discuss whether this new method of showing thoughts can help in knowing their thoughts and affecting on the course and symptoms of disorder, or it has harmful outcomes if is read by inexpert?
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