Title: Variability in non-invasive vascular laboratory experience of vascular surgery training programs based on survey of trainees suggests need for standardized curriculum

Abstract Objective Although Registered Physician in Vascular Interpretation (RPVI) certification is required for vascular surgery board certification, no standardized noninvasive vascular laboratory (NIVL) curriculum for vascular surgery trainees exists. The purpose of this study is to investigate the NIVL experience of trainees and understand what helps them feel well prepared. Methods Current trainees in all 114 0+5 and 5+2 vascular surgery training programs were surveyed. The most complete survey from each program was included in the analysis. Programs were divided into those whose trainees felt well prepared (WP) and those who felt unprepared (UP) for the Physician Vascular Interpretation (PVI) examination. Responses for the two groups were compared. Results Responses from 61 of the 114 programs (53.5%) were analyzed. Most programs devote Conclusions There is wide variation in NIVL experience amongst vascular surgery training programs. Many trainees feel unprepared for the PVI exam, especially those without a structured curriculum. These results suggest that a structured NIVL curriculum that includes dedicated time with vascular technologists, lectures and articles should be established.
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