Gentamisin’le Testis Hasarı Oluşturulan sıçanlarda C Vitamininin Koruyucu Etkisi Protective Effect of Vitamin C from Gentamicin Induced Testicular Damage in Rats.
Oz: Aminoglikozidler, gunumuzde klinik uygulamalarda sik olarak kullanilmaktadir. Gentamisin, gram (-) bakteriyel enfeksiyonlarin tedavisinde kullanilan aminoglikozid turevi bir antibiyotiktir. Aminoglikozid kullaniminin kisitlayici en onemli ozelligi toksisiteleridir. Gentamisin testiste yapisal ve sitotoksik degisiklikler ortaya cikarmaktadir. Hucre ve dokular, olusan bu toksik etkilerden C vitamini gibi antioksidanlarla korunabilirler. Calismamizda gentamisinin sican testisleri uzerindeki toksik etkisi uzerine C vitaminin rolunu arastirmayi amacladik. Bu calismada, 28 adet Spraque-Dawley turu sican kullanildi. Sicanlar her grupta 7 eriskin erkek sican olacak sekilde kontrol, 5 mg/kg gentamisin, 5 mg/kg gentamisin + 200 mg/kg C vitamini ve 200 mg/kg C vitamini verilen grup olmak uzere dort gruba ayrildi. Deney suresi sonunda sicanlar anestezik madde ile uyutularak testis dokusu ornekleri alindi, vucut ve testis agirliklari olculdu ve karsilastirmalar yapildi. Sol testisler doku takip islemi icin Bouin cozeltisi icerisine, sag testisler ise %10‘luk notral formalin icerisine alindi ve rutin histolojik islemlerden sonra bloklandi. Elde edilen parafin bloklardan 3 μm kalinliginda seri kesitler alindi ve kesitler Hematoksilen-Eozin (H-E) ve Periyodik Asit-Schiff + Hematoksilen (PAS + H) ile boyandi. Tum kesitlerin DP 70 dijital kamera eklentili Olympus BX51 isik mikroskobu (Olympus Corp. Tokyo, Japan) ile goruntulemesi yapildi ve fotograflandi. Calisma sonunda elde edilen bulgulara gore vucut agirliklari acisindan gruplar arasinda onemli fark gozlendi. Mikroskobik incelemelerde, gentamisinin testislerde onemli hasara yol actigi ve bu hasarin gentamisin + C vitamini verilen gruplarda azaldigi gozlemlendi. Elde edilen bulgularla, gentamisinin testislerde meydana getirdigi toksik etkinin C vitamini verilmesiyle onlenebilecegi sonucuna varildi. Anahtar Kelimeler: gentamisin, C vitamini, sican, testis. Abstract: Aminoglycosides are commonly used in clinical practice today. Gentamicin, gram (-) used in the treatment of bacterial infection is an antibiotic of the aminoglycoside derivatives. The most important feature is the restriction of the use of aminoglycoside toxicity. Gentamicin in testes reveal the structural and cytotoxic changes. Cells and tissue can be protected from gentamicin toxicity from antioxidants such as vitamin C. Material and methods: In this study we aimed to investigate the role of vitamin C in the protection of rat testes from gentamicin toxicity. In our study 28 Sprague-Dawley rats were used in four groups of 7. Rats in each group of 7 male rats were controlled to 5 mg / kg of gentamicin, 5 mg / kg gentamicin + 200 mg / kg of vitamin C and 200 mg / kg of vitamin C. After the experiment, the body weight and testicles were measured and comparisons were made. For follow-up is left testes tissue taken up in Bouin solution, while the right testis was taken up in 10% buffered formalin for routine histological processing then tissue preparation. After the staining process was blocked. 3 μm sections taken from each block hematoxylin and eosin and periodic acid-Schiff + were stained with hematoxylin and microscopic examinations were performed. Significant differences between groups in terms of body weight were observed. Microscopic examination revealed gentamicin caused significant damage to the testes and this damage decreased in the group treated with gentamicin + Vitamin C. From the resulting findings it can be concluded that gentamicin toxicity in the rat testes can be prevented by the administration of vitamin C. Keywords: gentamicin, vitamin C, Rat, testis
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