Dissociation reactions of potassiated glucose: deionization, potassium hydroxide loss, and cross-ring dissociation

Photochemical properties of carbohydrates, including mono- and polysaccharides, as well as various kinds of glycoproteins, proteoglycans, and glycolipids, take great attention last decades due to their significance for clarifying physical and chemical processes happening in biological molecules under irradiation. Understanding of excitation and ionization processes is important for interpretation of mass spectrometric (MS) experiments, which is the main instrument for quick and reliable analysis of biological samples. While polynucleotides and simple proteins can be easily studied by standard MS techniques (MALDI, ESI, and CID), carbohydrates and complicated biomolecules containing oligosaccharide residues are difficult to be ionized. Carbohydrates give a low signal yield. Their detection and analysis requires the special equipment and technology. Therefore, the development of new efficient methods for identification of carbohydrates in biological samples currently is the critical scientific and technical problem. In this work we study dissociation processes taking place in potassiated α- and β-glucose, which can be concerned as the modelling molecule for investigation of wide range of carbohydrates and carbohydrate fragments of biomolecules containing potassium ion as the ionization source. Here we compare deionization process with H 2 O and KOH elimination channels, as far as their competition with cross-ring dissociation processes. Potential energy surface were optimized by the density functional B3LYP/6-31G* method. Single point energy calculations in minima and transition state points were performed by G3(MP2,CCSD) ab initio method.
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