Generation of stretched pulse in dispersion-managed Tm-doped fiber laser

The stretched pulse has narrower pulse duration and high pulse energy than conventional soliton, so that the stretched pulse can improve the potential application values of 2 μm mode-locked fiber laser in remote sensing, mid-infrared source, material processing and other applications. In this paper, the dispersion management method is adopted to accurately manage the dispersion in the cavity using a commercial ultra-high numerical aperture fiber and a common single-mode fiber. Based on the nonlinear polarization rotation technology to achieve mode-locking, when the pump power is set to 645 mW, the polarization controller is adjusted to achieve stretched pulse output with a de-chirped pulse duration of 581 fs. The center wavelength is 1939.26 nm and the 3-dB bandwidth is 21.8 nm. The repetition rate is 28.9 MHz and the signal to noise ratio is 54.21 dB. At the maximum pump power, the direct output power of the resonant cavity is 9.98 mW, and the corresponding single pulse energy is 0.34 nJ.
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