Primordial Black Holes and Cosmological Problems

It is argued that the bulk of black holes (BH) in the universe are primordial (PBH). This assertion is strongly supported by the recent astronomical observations, which allow to conclude that supermassive BHs with $M= (10^6 - 10^9) M_\odot$ "work" as seeds for galaxy formation, intermediate mass BHs, $ M = (10^3 - 10^4) M_\odot$, do the same job for globular clusters and dwarf galaxies, while black holes of a few solar masses are the constituents of dark matter of the universe. The mechanism of PBH formation, suggested in 1993, which predicted such features of the universe, is described. The model leads to the log-normal mass spectrum of PBHs, which is determined by three constant parameters. With proper adjustment of these parameters the above mentioned features are quantitatively explained. In particular, the calculated density of numerous superheavy BHs in the young universe, $ z = 5 - 10$, nicely fits the data. The puzzling properties of the sources of the LIGO-discovered gravitational waves are also naturally explained assuming that these sources are PBHs.
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