Relevansi dan Jejak Pemikiran Prof. Dr. S.M.P. Tjondronegoro dalam Pendidikan Sosiologi Pedesaan

Rural Sociology Education in Indonesia is the “academic arena" by Late Prof. Dr. S.M.P. Tjondronegoro. This paper aims to show the academic arena of the deceased as a media for institutionalizing and developing social science, especially in the Field of Sociology and Applied Anthropology with a focus on organizing village development. With a systematic review method, document review, and interviews with selected alumni from the Postgraduate Study Program (Master and Doctor degree) of Rural Sociology (SPD), Department of Community Development Sciences, Faculty of Human Ecology, Bogor Agricultural University, it was noted that the curriculum of this study program is rooted and grew from the thoughts of the deceased. In fact, the subjects taught by the deceased with others SPD founders, namely the deceased Prof. Sajogyo and the deceased Prof. Pujiwati Sajogyo were continuously developed, until now they have become various subjects and elements of the three specialization of students from the SPD Study Program at the Master degree. The three specializations are (1) Community Development, (2) Agrarian Studies and Political Ecology, and (3) Digitalization of Villages and Social Change. The common thread of the thought of the deceased to link these three specializations is the thought of sodality which is the root of the village in managing sustainable development.
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