Comparative longitudinal study of 2 methods of scheduling maintenance visits; 2-year data.

Abstract This report compares the clinical and microbiological status of 2 groups of subjects with treated periodontitis on different maintenance schedules. 43 control (C) subjects were given prophylaxes every 3 months. 40 test (T) subjects were given this service on a flexible schedule according to the proportions of spirochetes and/or motile rods in fresh smears of subgingival scrapings. Both groups were examined every 6 months clinically and microbiologically. This report presents base line, 1- and 2-year data. Generally, mean values for both groups did not differ significantly from one another. Both groups exhibited comparable increases in GI and PLI scores during the first 2 years of this study. No change in probing depth was noted between base line and the 2-year examination. However, a slight increase in attachment level, as determined by probing, was noted in both groups. Both groups also exhibited similar proportions of bacterial morphotypes at base line and subsequent examinations. Disease recurrence, defined as an increase in probing depth of 3 mm or more from base line on any tooth surface during the 2-year period, tended to be more prevalent in the C than in the T group (15/43 C and 9/40 T subjects). However, the proportional difference between the groups was not statistically significant. Subjects with disease recurrence in the T group had greater proportions of spirochetes at base line than subjects in the same group without disease recurrence (20.2% versus 9.8%, P < 0.01). This difference in proportions persisted if both groups were examined jointly, but was only of borderline significance (16.0% versus 10.5%, p= 0.05). The difference did not reach statistical significance when C subjects alone were examined. The difference between groups with respect to correlation of spirochete % at base line and future disease recurrence may be due to differences in the recall schedule, with regular tri-monthly prophylaxes more likely to interfere with the expected tissue response to the resident subgingival microbiota. After 2 years, although both groups averaged about 7 recall visits, the time elapsed since the last prophylaxis averaged 2.4 months for the C versus 13.7 months for the T group. No other criteria examined at base line were significantly correlated with disease recurrence.
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