Recent results from ATDNet: an operating transparent network

Summary form only given. The Advanced Technology Demonstration Network (ATDNet) is designed to investigate the advantages of a transparent optical layer for metropolitan area networks. ATDNet links 6 nodes from government agency laboratories throughout Washington, D.C. The physical topology is arranged as two fiber rings, the West Ring and the East Ring. The network infrastructure has supported many forward-looking optical network research projects, most notably the DARPA funded MONET program. A key requirement of MONET was a reconfigurable optical layer that could support transparent optical connections for client services. As part of a new experimental initiative, the LTS and NRL nodes are now evaluating prototype systems similar to the original MONET network elements but using state-of-the-art MEMS switch fabric technology. Because both the MONET and MEMS OXCs are optically transparent, upgrades to fine cards, protocols, and software features were not required to achieve interoperability.
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