Mejora de la calidad de vida en un paciente con apnea del sueño

Sleep apnea can be defined as a disorder characterised by the obstruction of the upper respiratory tract during sleep owing to a functional anatomic disorder. This continuously causes short periods of waking up which result in restless sleep. Drowsiness during the day, mood changes and possible respiratory and cardiac disorders may also appear. If SAHS is not treated, it can lead to serious health problems. The clinical case presented in this study exposes a fifty-six year old male, after a polysomnography study, the patient was diagnosed with low intensity positional type SAHS. An individual care plan was established based on a clinical case assessing the 14 basic needs of Virginia Henderson and the taxonomies NANDA, NIC and NOC. After subsequent assessment the patient sated his life to have improved almost by 80% only adopting hygienic and dietetic measures as treatment for his apnea. Key-words: Sleep apnea Syndromes/nursing; quality of life; health education; food and nutrition education; hygiene.
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