Analysis of 29 cases of pancreatic pseudocyst treated surgically.

Twenty-nine cases of pancreatic pseudocyst requiring operative management were reviewed to determine the method of diagnosis and to analyse the results of internal and external drainage. Pain and the presence of an intra-abdominal mass were the two most common clinical features in the 29 patients. Serum amylase values were elevated in 50%. Diagnosis was confirmed by barium contrast roentgenography and abdominal ultrasonography in 60% of cases. Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography was a valuable diagnotic technique in four problem cases. The most common form of surgical treatment was internal drainage of the pseudocyst (18 patients). Th mortality resulting from internal drainage was 6% and there was an overall complication rate of 44%. External drainage was carried out in seven patients (six required emergency operation). The mortality associated with external drainage was 43% and the overall complication rate 86%.
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