Decay of the neutron-rich isotope ${^113} Ru to ${^113} Rh

The decay of neutron-rich isotope 113Ru obtained as on-line mass separated product of proton-induced fission has been investigated by γγ coincidence and spectrum multiscaling measurements. Decay schemes for both low- and high-spin isomers of 113Ru have been constructed. The level scheme of 113Rh is considerably extended. Systematics of the lowest-lying rhodium levels is smooth. The picture of shape coexistence established for neutron-rich Rh isotopes near-neutron midshell is confirmed with the observation of a K = 1/2 deformed band, with its 3/2+ state at 600 keV being the lowest-lying level and of probable 7/2+ and 5/2+ band members. A large fraction of β feeding is found to populate high-lying levels in 113Rh. The GT strength in 113Rum decay is significantly larger than for the decay of 113Rug and of lighter rhodium isotopes.
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