It means coating process, the coating and developing processing system, and coating treatment method

The present invention provides a coating process apparatus, and the coating and developing treatment system coating treatment method. When the coating process by spin coating apparatus for applying the coating liquid to form a film, the film thickness can be controlled at any position in the substrate surface, and can reduce variations in thickness within the substrate plane. The coating process apparatus (23) diffusing into the outer peripheral side of the substrate by supplying the coating liquid and the coating liquid is supplied to the rotating surface of the substrate to the, surface of the substrate in the coating liquid, comprising: a substrate holding portion (31) for holding a substrate; a rotation portion (32) for causing the substrate holding portion is held by the substrate rotation; supplying unit (43) for supplying coating to the substrate surface of the substrate holding portion is held plating solution; the airflow control plate (63), which is provided at a predetermined position above the substrate holding portion is held (31) of the substrate, using a rotating section for airflow over the rotation of the substrate varies locally arbitrary position .
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