Иммуноанализ антител к бензо[а]пирену, эстрадиолу и прогестерону в определении индивидуальных рисков возникновения рака лёгкого у мужчин

A personalized lung cancer risk assessment is important for disease prevention. The aim of the studywas to estimate a significance of immunoanalysis of antibodies to benzo[a]pyrene, estradiol and progesterone for lung cancer risk prediction in men with respect to age and smoking. Material and methods. Serum antibodies to benzo[a]pyrene, estradiol and progesterone in the blood serum of 620 healthy men (279 smokers) and 827 lung cancer patients (627 smokers) were studied using semi-quantitative enzyme immunoassay. Results. The high lung cancer risk was observed in smokers aged over 55 years: oR=15.4 (11.5–20.8 95 % ci). the lung cancer risk in this group of patients was significantly lower when their levels of antibodies to benzo[a]pyrene and to estradiol were lower than those to progesterone: oR=3.2 (2.0–5.0). the lung cancer risk was higher when the personal levels of antibodies to benzo[a]pyrene and to estradiol were higher than the levels of antibodies to progesterone: oR=20.0 (10.5–38.1). Conclusion. The immunoassay of the blood serum antibodies specific to benzo[a]pyrene, estradiol and progesterone could be useful for determination of the lung cancer risk in men.
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