Contratos de riesgo compartido, ¿con medicamentos huérfanos?

Objective: To summarize available information on share risk agreements (RSA) with orphan drugs (OD). Methods: A bibliographic search was carried out in MEDLINE, EMBASE and INAHTA using 19 keywords and combinations thereof. Papers published as original, narrative and systematic reviews, editorials, commentaries, letters to the Editor, and special articles were included and reviewed. Public or private institutional reports or documents found in Google that contained relevant information were also reviewed. Results: experience gained so far with RSA is scant. No published rigorous evaluations of outcomes of these agreements were found. It seems, however, that OD are suitable for introduction in clinical practice by means of RSA. There are two main types of RSA: financially based, and performance-outcome based. A number of theoretical advantages of SRA are described, as well as hurdles that hinder their design, implementation, and followup, and thus endangering their success. Very few RSA have clearly succeed so far. Conclusions: If thoroughly managed, RSA may reasonably contribute to value-based pricing of OD, improve their pharmacovigilance, knowledge about their comparative effectiveness, and to reducing uncertainty and its consequences on patients, industry, payers and clinicians. There are technical groups that can bring the essential knowledge to manage RSA in Spain. The challenge now is to be able to harmonize their assessments and appraisals, to put in motion the mechanisms needed to overcome those hurdles, and to provide them adequate political and institutional support.
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