A new species of Reissantia (Celastraceae) from coastal Karnataka, India

Reissantia N. Halle (1958: 466) is a small but widespread genus distributed in the Old World tropics of Africa and Indo-Malaya (Ramamurthy and Naithani, 2000). Members of Reissantia are climbing, scandent or erect shrubs with decussate leaves. They are characterised by small flowers borne in dichotomous cymes or panicles with accessory branches, small calyx and corolla with imbricate aestivation, inconspicuous disc that is mostly fused with the ovary, 3 stamens inserted at the base of the carpel, 3-locular ovary and 3-fascicled capsular fruit with seeds that have a basal membranous wing. Reissantia was formerly placed under the family Hippocrateaceae but is now long considered as belonging to the major family Celastraceae as the members of Hippocrateaceae were found to be nested within Celastraceae sensu stricto (Robson et al., 1994, Savolainen et al., 1997, Takhtajan, 1997). Parsimony tree searches based on the taxon sampling used by Coughenour et al. (2010) showed all members of the tribe Hippocrateoideae to form a monophyletic group. Hippocrateaceae, as traditionally defined (e. g., Smith, 1940; Halle, 1962; Cronquist, 1981), is supported as a clade nested within a paraphyletic Celastraceae s. s. (Simmons et al., 2001a, Simmons et al., 2001b). Coughenour et al., (2011) established the monophyly of Reissantia using plastid and nuclear genes and morphological characters. Six species of Reissantia are currently recognised (Coughenour et al., 2011) of which three species, R. indica (Willd. 1797: 193) N. Halle (1958: 466), R. grahamii (Wight1839: 139) Ding Hou (1963: 33) and R. arborea (Roxb. 1811: 4) Hara (1965: 327) are reported in India. Globally, R. indica shows a wide distribution ranging from Africa, India, Sri Lanka to Philippines, Indonesia, Malaysia and Timor while R. grahamii is found in India, Vietnam, Philippines and New Guinea. R. arborea has been reported from India and China. Within India, R. indica and R. grahamii are distributed in South India while R. arborea is found in Northeast India. Here, we describe a new species of Reissantia that is morphologically distinct from the rest of its congeners with respect to multiple characters. Detailed comparisons of the new species with its morphologically most closely related species and genera is provided along with a key to the species of Reissantia reported from India (Almeida, 1996; Matthew 1982; Matthew, 1999).
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