Screening and Correlation Between Nephropathy and Risk Factors of DM II Among Army Members Older than 45 in the City of Tehran

Considering the importance of military forces health and high prevalence of diabetes in Iran in addition to the the high burden (more than 50% of the whole disease’s burden on the health system) of controlling and treating the complications of DM II, make investigating factors that cause these complications in military forces significant. The aim of this study is to evaluate the relation between DM II risk factors (including metabolic syndrome) and MicroAlbuminuria among military members older than 45 in the city of Tehran. A cross-sectional study is designed using the outputs of a study down in 2010 in Iranian Army which revealed DM II prevalence and it’s relation with career and non-career dependent risk factors.36 diabetic patients were entered to the study and the subjective of the study was evaluated among them in three different sessions having 3 months intervals.The results were put into analysis using SPSS17 software. Among all factors studied only LDL(p-value<0.01) and age(p-value<0.05) had a meaning-full correlation with Micro-Albuminuria. Comparing the results of this study and the others we could dedicate that except LDL (which it’s rule in Micro-Albuminuria progression is controversial in other studies) and Age(which is mostly known as an etiologic factor for DM II itself), diabetic nephropathy is not mainly under effect of factors causing DM II. In the other words these factors have an etiologic impact on the disease rather than it’s progression and prognosis.
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