İlköğretim Matematik Öğretmeni Adaylarinin Matematik Felsefesi Dersine İlişkin Görüşleri ¹ Pre-service Elementary Mathematics Teachers' Views on a "Philosophy of Mathematics" Course
Oz Bu calisma, ilkogretim matematik ogretmeni adaylarinin matematik felsefesi dersine iliskin goruslerini belirlemeyi amaclamaktadir. Calisma, 2011-2012 egitim-ogretim yili bahar doneminde bir universitenin egitim fakultesinin ilkogretim matematik ogretmenligi lisans programinda ogrenim goren ve matematik felsefesi dersini alan on iki gonullu ogretmen adayi ile yapilmistir. Arastirmada veri toplama araci olarak alti acik uclu sorudan olusan yari yapilandirilmis mulakat formu kullanilmistir. Mulakatlardan elde edilen veriler icerik analizine tabi tutularak kategori ve kodlar olusturulmustur. Olusturulan kategori ve kodlar isiginda veriler yorumlanmistir. Arastirmanin sonuclarina gore, katilimcilarin genel olarak matematik felsefesi dersine karsi olumlu dusuncelere sahip olduklari gorulmustur. Katilimcilarin tumu matematik felsefesi dersinin lisans programinda yer almasi gerektigini vurgulamislardir. Abstract The aim of this study is to determine the views of pre-service elementary mathematics teachers on a philosophy of mathematics course. The study was conducted with twelve volunteer pre-service elementary mathematics teachers, who took the philosophy of mathematics course in the faculty of education of a university in the spring semester of the 2011- 2012 academic year. As the data collection tool, a semi-structured interview form comprised of six open-ended questions was used. The data from the interviews was subject to content analysis by forming codes and categories and subsequently interpreting the data according to these codes. It was found that the participants generally had positive opinions on the philosophy of mathematics course and that it should be included as part of an undergraduate program in teacher education.
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