Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi penyelesaian masa studi program pascasarjana di Institut Pertanian Bogor

Rata-rata penyelesaian masa studi program magister Sekolah Pascasarjana di Institut Pertanian Bogor kurang dari dua tahun (17,5%). Oleh karena itu, faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi baik dari aspek internal maupun eksternal perlu dikaji. Faktor internal berasal dari dalam diri mahasiswa yang meliputi kemampuan akademik dan motivasi. Faktor eksternal mencakup faktor lingkungan dan pembimbing saat menyelesaikan tugas akhir. Pengambilan data dan informasi menggunakan instumen kuesioner yang terstruktur terhadap lulusan program magister. Analisis menggunakan analisis deskriptif, analisis faktor, dan regresi linier berganda. Penyelesaian masa studi meliputi faktor-faktor kualitas pembimbingan, pelayanan dan lingkungan, kemampuan mahasiswa, motivasi, responsif serta gelar dan prestis. Analisis lebih lanjut menunjukkan penyelesaian masa studi sangat terkait dengan faktor-faktor eksternal yang berasal dari luar seperti layanan pendidikan dan faktor lingkungan, di antaranya lingkungan kampus yang bersih dan hijau, lingkungan belajar yang tenang dan nyaman. Responsif terhadap feedback dari pembimbing untuk segera memperbaiki tesis secara intens dan tepat waktu merupakan faktor internal. Kata kunci : masa studi, perguruan tinggi, eksternal, internal, analisis faktor Factors on completing study of master students in graduate school Abstract Completion of the final assignment of the Postgraduate school master's program at the Institut Pertanian Bogor on average less than two years (17,5%). This is the purpose of the research, namely to see the factors that influence the completion of the final task. The factors that influence the study period consist of internal and external factors. Internal factors originating from within the student themselves include academic ability and motivation. External factors come from outside such as environmental factors and mentors when completing the final task. Retrieval of data and information in this study using a structured questionnaire instrument for graduates of the Institute Pertanian Bogor University's Graduate School Masters program. The analysis uses descriptive analysis, factor analysis, and multiple linear regression. Completion of the study period includes factors of coaching quality, service, and environment, student ability, motivation, responsiveness and degree, and prestige. Further analysis shows that the completion of studies is closely related to external factors originating from outside such as education services and environmental factors, including a clean and green campus environment, a quiet and comfortable learning environment. Responsiveness to feedback from the counselor to immediately correct the thesis in an intense and timely manner is internal. Keywords: complete a study, postgraduate, external, internal, factor analysis
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