Evaluating Research in Communicative Disorders

Preface 1 Research and Practice in Communicative Disorders Knowledge Acquisition The Scientific Method Scientific Theory The Conduct of Scientific Research Statement of the Problem Method of Investigation Results of Investigation Conclusions The Nature of Research in Communicative Disorders Evidence-Based Practice Research--Practice Relationships Research-Driven Relationships Practice-Driven Relationships Shared-Interest Relationships The Editorial Process in the Publication of a Research Article The Challenge of Cyberspace Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary Information Sources The Knowledge-Base of the Reader Key Terms Study Questions References 2 The Introduction Section of the Research Article The Nature of Technical Writing Components of the Introduction General Statement of the Problem The Rationale for the Study Arguments Fallacies Review of the Literature Research Questions and Hypotheses Limitations of the Study Example: Introduction to a Research Study Key Terms Study Questions References Evaluation Checklist: Introduction Section 3 Research Strategies in Communicative Disorders Quantitative Research Variables in Empirical Research Independent and Dependent Variables Active and Attribute Variables Continuous and Categorical Variables Experimental Research Bivalent Experiments Multivalent Experiments Parametric Experiments Descriptive Research Comparative Research Developmental Research Correlational Research Survey Research Retrospective Research Combined Experimental and Descriptive Research The Title of a Quantitative Research Article Qualitative Research Types of Qualitative Research Observational Research Interview Research Narrative Research Case Study Research The Title of a Qualitative Research Article Mixed-Methods Research Key Terms Study Questions References Evaluation Checklist: The Title 4 Research Design in Communicative Disorders Quantitative Research Design Group Research Designs Between-Subjects Designs Within-Subjects Designs Mixed Designs Single-Subject Research Designs Withdrawal and Reversal Designs Multiple-Baseline Designs Changing-Criterion Designs Qualitative and Mixed-Methods Research Design Validity Issues in Research Design Internal Validity Control of Variability Credibility External Validity Generalizability Transferability Pilot Research Key Terms Study Questions References 5 The Method Section of the Research Article Components of the Method Section Subjects (Participants) Models and Specimens Sample Size Selection Criteria Protection of Subjects and Participants Materials Data Acquisition Levels of Measurement Reliability of Measurements Validity of Measurements Instrumentation Behavioral Instruments Procedure Tasks and Protocol Appropriateness of Measurement Data Analysis Key Terms Study Questions References Evaluation Checklist: Method Section 6 The Results Section of the Research Article Organization of Quantitative Results Data Distributions Tabular and Graphic Presentations Descriptive Statistics Measures of Central Tendency Measures of Variability Measures of Skewness Measures of Kurtosis Some Characteristics of Clear Data Organization Data Analysis The Normal Curve Model Parametric and Nonparametric Statistics Bivariate Descriptive Statistics Describing Relationships Statistical Significance Testing a Null Hypothesis Correlational Analysis Analyzing Relationships Inferential Statistics Analyzing Differences Effect Size and the Power of Statistical Tests Some Characteristics of Clear Data Analysis Data Display Some Characteristics of Clear Data Display Key Terms Study Questions References Evaluation Checklist: Results Section 7 The Discussion and Conclusions Section of the Research Article Organization of the Discussion and Conclusions Section Relationship of Conclusions to Preceding Parts of the Article The Research Problem The Method of Investigation The Results of the Investigation Relationship of Results to Previous Research Limitations of the Research Study Implications of the Research Study Theoretical Implications Practical Implications Implications for Future Research The Abstract of the Research Article Key Terms Study Questions References Evaluation Checklist: Discussion and Conclusions 8 Evaluating Treatment Efficacy Research Evidence-Based Practice Generalizability of Research Findings Randomization Sample Size Systematic Replication Levels of Evidence Framing the Question Experimental Designs for Studying Treatment Efficacy Pre-Experimental Designs One-Shot Case Study Design One-Group Pretest--Posttest Design Static-Group Comparison Design Quasi-Experimental Designs Nonequivalent Control-Group Design Time-Series Designs True Experimental Designs Randomized Pretest--Posttest Control-Group Designs Solomon Randomized Four-Group Design Ethics of Using Control Groups in Treatment Efficacy Research Systematic Reviews Meta-Analysis of Treatment Efficacy Research Evidence-Based Clinical Practice Guidelines Key Terms Study Questions References Appendix A: Complete Evaluation Checklist Appendix B: A Compendium of Journals in Communicative Sciences and Disorders Appendix C: Proclamation of the Association of American Medical Colleges and the National Health Council Subject Index
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