Effect of Reza Shah Modernity on the Political Opposition Development

Reza Khan, commander of Cossack Brigade based in Qazvin, came to power by coup in 1920, and with the coronation in 1305 brought Qajar dynasty to an end and founded Pahlavi dynasty. He as the first Pahlavi King started a series of planned reforms to establish himself and bring about a secular state and society inspired by the West, especially Ataturk in Turkey. Since then, Islam and Islamic clergies enjoyed power and influence in political and social affairs especially after the effective presence and leadership tobacco and constitutional movements. Reza Shah tries to use sources of progress to bring modernization into people's private life. In 1929, he passed a law that required men to wear foreign outfits instead of traditional and clergy dress, and then to remove hijab was obligatory to women and they were banned from wearing hijab. DOI: 10.5901/mjss.2016.v7n51p84
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