Papillomavirus detection using the polymerase chain reaction

be 2.8k0.41 x lo-’ ( n = 6 ) and 1.5+0.12x lo-’ ( n = 6 ) mol/mg of protein for adult and neonate, respectively ( P = 0.1 14). Fe3+ and Fez+ uptake by BBM vesicles showed saturation kinetics (Fig. l a and b ) with similar results being obtained using vesicles prepared from neonates and adults. Values for Fe3+ uptake at the highest concentration used (256 PM) were similar to those obtained at 91 p~ (Debnam et al., 1987) confirming saturation of the uptake process. These results imply that the enhanced duodenal iron uptake by the neonatal guinea-pig noted previously (Srai et al., 1988) does not involve changes in iron binding or uptake at the BBM. This is in contrast to adaptation of iron uptake following iron deficiency, where the increased iron absorption is a consequence of enhanced uptake at the BBM (Muir & Hopfer, 1985). This suggests that iron uptake by enterocytes is subject to control at more than one level. Possible alternative explanations for increased iron absorption in the neonate include alteration in the profile of enterocyte binding proteins (Srai et af., 1987) and change in movement across the basolateral membrane. We wish to thank North East Thames Regional Health Authority for financial support.
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