Movement created a differentiated aparatus – the loco‑ motory one – the basic component of which is the kinetic unit, formed of joint‑movement‑nerves, each one playing a well‑established role, motivated only within an interde‑ pendence relation of the whole kinetic unit. Activation of the motor unit, considered as the smallest functional neu‑ romuscular unit described in 1925 by Liddel and Sher‑ rington, involves a series of complex processes, developed at the level of the three components (pericarion‑cylindrax‑ muscular fibers), the result being muscular contraction. The control of motricity, of the voluntary movements we perform so easily, sometimes wholly automatically, repre‑ sents a real computer performance, the organism organ‑ izing this type of control on successive levels, continuously enriching the phylogenetic scale, along the evolution of species, with new neuronal levels of integration, control and command. The scope of the present study was to evi‑ dence the efficiency of the facilitation techniques as to the following aspects of neuromotor recovery: recovery of the muscular tonus, recovery of the muscular power, increased joint mobility and recovery of movements coordination, by means of facilitation techniques. Materials and method. During January 2010‑January 2012, in the Military Hospital of Iasi there have been hospitalized 120 patients with ages between 23‑64 years, with various etiologies of functional deficit: lumbosciatica with prolongued muscular contrac ‑ tion in 52 cases – 43.33%, hemiplegia + arthroses 8 cases – 6.66%, systemic eritematous lupus 4 cases – 3.34%, post‑ fracture algoneurosistrophy (blocked knee) 4 cases – 3.34%, rheumatoid polyarthritis – 24 cases – 20.00%, scapulo‑ humeral periarthritis 28 cases – 23.33%. Results and dis‑ cussion. The highest frequency of patients with neuro‑motor pathology requiring the application of some techniques facilitating neuro‑motor recovery was recorded in the 46‑50 years interval of age, while the interval regis‑ tering the most numerous patients with lumbosciatica is between 61 and 65 years, with periarthritis – between 46 and 50 years, while rheumatoid polyarthrits is most fre‑ quently manifested between 46 and 50 years, as well as between 56 and 60 years. Functional evaluation, represent‑ ing the basic element of a functional realization, followed: the joint and muscular check up, global evaluation. Con‑ clusions: The techniques applies were oriented on the type of deficit and of disease, the results obtained aiming at maintaining joint flexibility, known as depending on the
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