Some Aspects of Quantitative Assessments and Management of Hydraulic Works Impact on Marine and Coastal Ecosystems

"Eco-Express-Service" LLC, a St. Petersburg company, has a vast twenty-five-year experience in environmental design documentation development and perfective design maintenance of more than two hundred projects related to various hydraulic works in marine and coastal ecosystems. Most of projects belongs to the Gulf of Finland of the Baltic Sea. This experience has allowed developing a complex of methods for quantifying and regulating the impact of hydraulic works on marine and coastal ecosystems. Methods concern all stages of project development and implementation and are subject to a general methodology. Several basic methods are represented in the report:–ranking score of ecological hazard of gas marine pipeline alternative options;–quantitative analysis of technogenic environmental risk as a mathematical expectation of ecological damage;–classification approach to comparative assessment of alternative design options;–ordination express estimation of the expected "environmental cost";–marine environment pollution abatement at hydraulic construction using local sewage plants;–complex of special-purpose programmes for restoration disturbed underwater landscapes and their fishery value using dredging soils.Methods are justified and instantiated.Please find related publications about methods on the website:
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