[The spread and epidemiological value of mosquitoes (Diptera, Psichodidae, Phlebotominae) of the Caucasus].

: The Caucasus mosquito fauna was studied on the basis of the papers published in the 20th century. Due to the new classification developed by M.M. Artemyeva, the presence of 17 mosquito species: P.papatasi, P.sergenti, P.caucasicus, P.alexandri, P.jacusieli, P.kandelakii, P.neglectus, P.per-filiewi, P.tobbi, P.transcaucasicus, P.wenyoni, P.balcanicus, P.brevis, P.halepensis, S.dentate dentate, S.palestinensis, and S.hodsoni pawlowskyi should be considered most significant. The ecology of the mosquito species that are of medical importance is described. Maps of the spread of the mosquitoes that are of epidemiological importance have been complied on the basis of the materials by different authors on the registration of specific mosquito species in the human settlements of the Transcaucasia and North Caucasus. The spread of mosquitoes in the North Caucasus remains inadequately studied today.
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