Survey of system options for heavy ion fusion

Several potentially attractive system options have been identified for use in a linear induction‐driven heavy‐ion fusion reactor power plant. These include higher charge‐state ions, double‐pulsed accelerators, a range of ion species, different target types, innovative cavity approaches and various illumination schemes. Data from the U.S. DOE Heavy‐Ion Fusion (HIF) Systems Assessment (HIFSA) Project were integrated into a unified, comprehensive system performance and cost code for a commercial HIF power plant. This code surveyed the above hardware options over the design parameter spaces of multiple accelerator beams, target gain curve parameter (r3/2R or r/R) gain, repetition rate, ion voltage, beam energy and net electric power output. The results indicate that a 1000 MWe, linac‐driven, HIF power plant can produce electricity on a competitive basis. An innovative triple‐charged heavy ion accelerator design is used that greatly reduces the cost (and length) of the accelerator while increasing the efficien...
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