L’Exception Pour Le Data Mining Dans Le Projet De Directive Sur Le Droit D’Auteur: Pourquoi L’Union Européenne Doit Aller Plus Loin Que Les Législations Des États Membres (The Text and Data Mining Exception in the Proposal for a Directive on Copyright: Why the European Union Needs to Go Further Than the Laws of Member States)

French Abstract: L'Union europeenne debat actuellement de la creation d'une exception au droit d'auteur pour le text and data mining (TDM). De nombreux Etats membres l'ont devancee en adoptant des exceptions TDM aux contours varies. A l'heure du choix, l'Union europeenne doit adopter une exception TDM la plus large possible afin de renforcer la competitivite internationale de son economie du savoir notamment vis-a-vis du Royaume-Uni de l'apres-Brexit. English Abstract: The European Union is currently debating the adoption of a copyright exception for text and data mining (TDM). Some member states have jumped the gun by adopting their own TDM exception. From the various possible options, the European Union should adopt the broadest possible TDM exception, to boost the international competitiveness of its knowledge economy – notably against countries with copyright laws more favourable to research and innovation such as the US or even a post-Brexit Britain. The English version of the article is available at: https://ssrn.com/abstract=3245840.
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