Brocklehurst's Textbook of Geriatric Medicine and Gerontology

I: Gerontology. The Epidemiology of Ageing. Social Gerontology. The Future of Old Age. Evolution Theory and the Mechanisms of Aging. Cellular Mechanisms of Aging. Physiology of Aging. Connective Tissues and Aging. Clinical Immunology of Aging. Aging of Memory. The Aging Personality and Self. The Pharmacology and Aging. Methodologic Problems in Research on Aging. Anti-Aging Interventions. Ii: Geriatric Medicine. Presentation of Disease in Old Age. Multidimensional Geriatric Assessment. Biochemical Tests. Social Assessment of Geriatric Patients. Surgery and Anaesthesia in Old Age. Effects of Aging on the Heart. Atherosclerosis and Lipid Metabolism. Cardiovascular Signs in Old Age. Chronic Cardiac Failure in the Elderly. Diagnosis and Management of Ischemic Heart Disease in the Elderly. Hypertension. Valvular Heart Disease in Old Age. Cardiac Arrhythmias. Vascular Surgery. Venous Thrombotic Disease and Varicose Ulcers. Neurology. Neurobiology of Aging. Neurologic Signs in Old Age. Epilepsy. Syncope. Headache and Facial Pain. Stroke: Pathology and Epidemiology. Aging and Disorders of the Eye. Disorders of Hearing. Clinical Presentation & Management. Intracranial Tumours. Disorders of the Spinal Cord and Nerve Roots. Head Trauma in the Geriatric Patient. Infections of the Central Nervous System. Aging and Disorders of the Eye. Disorders of Hearing. Psychiatric Problems. Delirium. Dementia: Basic Neurosciences. Classification of the Dementia. Dementia: Clinical Presentation and Management. Functional Psychiatric Illness in Old Age. Characterization and Management of Behavioural Disturbances in the Elderly. Psychology in the Diagnosis and Treatment of the Dementias. Gastroenterology. Overview: Geriatric Gastroenterology. Aging and the Orofacial Tissues. The Upper Gastrointestinal Tract. The Pancreas. The Liver. Biliary Tract Disease. The Small Bowel. The Large Bowel. Nutrition. Obesity. Diseases of the Urinary Tract. Aging of the Urinary Tract. Disturbances of Homeostasis. Diseases of the Aging Kidney. The Pro
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