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Mixoma intraventricular izquierdo

Los tumores primarios del corazon son entidades poco frecuentes. Se reporta el caso de una mujer joven con un mixoma del ventriculo izquierdo, el cual se manifesto como enfermedad coronaria, y cuyo diagnostico se hizo mediante ecocardiografia. Se realiza tratamiento quirurgico por via transeptal, con reseccion extensa del tumor, su pediculo, el musculo papilar al cual se encuentra adherido, y la valva anterior de la valvula mitral por encontrarse esta deformada por la presencia misma de la tumoracion. Simultaneamente se realiza cambio valvular mitral. Se hace una revision acerca de esta patologia. Primary tumors of the heart are rare entities. We report a unique case of a young woman presenting a left ventricular myxoma, which manifested itself as coronary artery disease and was diagnosed by echocardiography. Emergency surgical treatment was indicated, done through a transeptal approach with extensive resection of the tumor, its pedicle and the papilar muscle to which it was attached as well as the anterior mitral leaflet, which was thinned and deformed by the presence of the mass. Mitral valve replacement was mandatory. A complete retrospective review of the literature is presented.
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