The Bosma effect revisited - I. HI and stellar disc scaling models

The observed proportionality between the centripetal contribution of the dynamically insignificant HI gas in the discs of spiral galaxies and the dominant contribution of DM - the "Bosma effect" - has been repeatedly mentioned in the literature but largely ignored. We have re-examined the evidence for the Bosma effect by fitting Bosma effect models for 17 galaxies in the THINGS data set, either by scaling the contribution of the HI gas alone or by using both the observed stellar disc and HI gas as proxies. The results are compared with two models for exotic cold DM: internally consistent cosmological NFW models with constrained compactness parameters, and URC models using fully unconstrained Burkert density profiles. The Bosma models that use the stellar discs as additional proxies are statistically nearly as good as the URC models and clearly better than the NFW ones. We thus confirm the correlation between the centripetal effects of DM and that of the interstellar medium of spiral galaxies. The edificacy of "maximal disc" models is explained as the natural consequence of "classic" Bosma models which include the stellar disc as a proxy in regions of reduced atomic gas. The standard explanation - that the effect reflects a statistical correlation between the visible and exotic DM - seems highly unlikely, given that the geometric forms and hence centripetal signatures of spherical halo and disc components are so different. A literal interpretation of the Bosma effect as being due to the presence of significant amounts of disc DM requires a median visible baryon to disc DM ratio of about 40%.
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