Pemanfaatan modified cassava flour dan tepung tapioka sebagai bahan pengisi keju cedar olahan

Ubi kayu merupakan sumber karbohidrat yang berpotensi sebagai bahan pengisi keju cedar olahan. Pengkajian terhadap karakteristik fisikokimia keju cedar olahan bertujuan untuk memperoleh model formula penambahan bahan pengisi berbasis ubi kayu dan mengetahui nilai kesukaan terhadap keju cedar olahan terpilih. Penelitian terdiri dari beberapa tahap yaitu pembuatan keju cedar olahan, karakterisasi keju olahan, penentuan model fomula penambahan bahan pengisi berbasis ubi kayu, verifikasi formula terpilih dan uji organoleptik terhadap produk dengan model formula terpilih. Pembuatan keju cedar olahan mengunakan rancangan acak lengkap dengan satu faktor. Penentuan model formula mengunakan respon permukaan historical data . Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa penambahan mocaf dan tapioka dengan variasi konsentrasi berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kadar lemak dan karbohidrat produk, sedangkan kadar air, kadar abu, kadar protein dan profil tekstur produk tidak dipengaruhi secara signifikan. Penambahan tapioka 3% (b/b) merupakan model formula terpilih keju cedar olahan dengan karakteristik kadar air 46,96 %; kadar protein 36,39 % (bk); kadar lemak 36,05 % (bk); kadar karbohidrat 5,09% (bk), nilai kekerasan 844,518 gF; daya adhesive 69,739 g/s; elastisitas 0,421; daya kohesif 0,424; kelengketan 358,697 gF; dan daya kunyah 151,244 gF serta nilai kesukaan keju cedar olehan formula terpilih cenderung netral. Mocaf dan tapioka dapat dijadikan bahan pengisi keju cedar olahan. Abstract Cassava is a potential source of carbohydrate as a filler for processed cedar cheese. Study of physicochemical characteristics of processed cheddar cheese was done to obtain the formula of the cassava based filler addition and preferential value of the selected formula. The research  consisted of some steps, i.e. processed cheddar cheese production, processed cheddar cheese characterization, determination of processed cheddar cheese formula model, verification of selected formula, and hedonic test on selected formula product. Preparation of processed cheddar cheese using randomized complete design with one factor, while the formula modeling using response surface with historical data method. The result showed that the use of modified cassava flour (mocaf) and tapioca with different concentration significantly influenced (p<0,05) to the increasing fat and decreasing carbohydrate content of the product, while the water, ash, protein and texture profile ore not significantly influenced. The addition of 3% tapioca (w/w) was selected as formula model with the characteristic water content 46.96%; protein 36.39% (db); fat 36.05% (db); carbohydrate 5.09% (db), hardness 844.518 gF; adhesiveness 69.739 g/s; springiness 0.421; cohesiveness 0.424; gumminess 358.697 gF; and chewiness 151.244 gF, with preferential value tend to be neutral. Mocaf and tapioca could be used as filler in processing processed cheddar cheese.
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