INTERNATIONAL JOURNA L OF ENGINEERING SCI ENCES & RESEARCH TECHNOLOGY Mitigating False Accusation s Using Certificate Revocation for High- Multicast Routing i n Wireless Mesh Networks

Wireless mesh network (WMN) are reliable, multiradio, multihop next generation wireless networks which are capable of delivering high throughput demanded applications through the integration of various tec hnologies. WMN delivers efficient services for a large variety of applications on local, personnel and campus env ironments. Multicasting is one of the ma jor communication technologies primarily designed for bandwidth conservation and an efficient way of transferring data to a group of re ceivers in wireless mesh networks. Despite of the v antages of the WMN there can be several issues that affect the ent ire and the false accusations raised by the nodes. A me re way to identify the malicious node is to collect the information from nodes in the entire network. Nevertheless, in the above said approach, i the valid accusations made by legitimate nodes from false accusations made by malicious nodes. Also, t he amount of traffic needed in order to exchange peculiar inf ormation on attackers and the necessary time to information increases as the network size becomes more prominent. In this paper, we propose a certific ate revocation mechanism which is able to revoke the ce rtification of attackers in a limited period of tim e with a small amount of controlling traffic. By the clustering of nodes and introductio n of multi proposed scheme can mitigate the improper certifica te revocation due to false accusations by malicious users.
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