E-waste recycling in Africa: risks and opportunities

Abstract Electronic waste (e-waste) is generated in enormous amounts worldwide and this has become a global environmental issue due to the way it is handled especially in developing countries. Africa undoubtedly is the fastest growing economy than any other continent and this has resulted in increase in the importation of electronic and electrical goods and in the implementation of information and communication technologies (ICT). However, due to inadequate infrastructure for e-waste management and non-enforcement of laws, multitudes of hazardous substances are released due to the crude way e-waste is recycled and could pose risks for humans and the environment. On the other hand, a lot of opportunities abound if it is handled well. These include precious metal recovery for industry, employment opportunities and economic benefits to e-waste collectors, helping to clean the environment, refurbishment for sale of cheap electronic and electrical equipment, benefits of recovered metals over mineral mining, among others. E-waste management is an issue in Africa due to the increasing global production of electronic and electrical equipment, lack of clear action plans by African governments on the handling of e-waste and the absence of infrastructure for appropriate e-waste management.
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