Hubungan antara Usia dan Lama Operasi dengan Hipotermi pada Pasien Paska Anestesi Spinal di Instalasi Bedah Sentral

Anestesi spinal adalah teknik yang sering dilakukan dalam tindakan operasi, meskipun banyak dilaporkan kejadian komplikasi setelah menjalani anestesi. Komplikasiyang sering terjadi diantaranya adalah hipotermi. Dampak negatif hipotermi terhadap pasien, antara lain risiko perdarahan meningkat, iskemia miokardium, pemulihan paska anestesi yang lebih lama, gangguan penyembuhan luka, serta meningkatnya risiko infeksi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara usia dan lama operasi dengan hipotermi paska anestesi spinal di Instalasi Bedah Sentral. Penelitian ini menggunakan deskriptif korelasional dengan rancangan cross sectional. Sampel sebanyak 53 orang dengan teknik purposive sampling. Teknik analisis data menggunakan uji Chi-Square. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan mayoritas responden paska anestesi spinal berusia lansia sebanyak 22 orang (41,8%) dan lama operasi responden paska anestesi spinal tergolong cepat yaitu sebanyak 33 orang (62,3%). Ada hubungan antara faktor usia (p=0,028) dan lama operasi (p=0,005) dengan hipotermi paska anestesi spinal. Kesimpulan penelitian ini yakni adanya hubungan antara usia dan lama operasi dengan hipotermi pada pasien paska anestesi spinal Spinal anesthesia is a technique that is often performed in surgery, although many reported the incidence of complications after undergoing anesthesia. Complications that often occur include hypothermia. The negative effects of hypothermia on patients include the risk of increased bleeding, myocardial ischemia, longer post-anesthesia recovery, impaired wound healing, and increased risk of infection. This study aims to determine the relationship of age and duration of surgery with hypothermia after spinal anesthesia at the Central Surgical Installation. This research uses descriptive correlational with cross sectional design. A sample of 53 people with a purposive sampling technique. Data analysis techniques using the Chi-Square test. The results showed majority of respondents who after taking spinal anesthesia is elderly were 22 people (41.8%). The duration of operation of post spinal anesthesia was relatively fast as many as 33 people (62.3%). There is a relationship between age (p=0.028) and duration of surgery(p=0.005) with hypothermia after spinal anesthesia. The conclusion of the study is any significant relationship between age and duration of surgery with hypothermia after spinal anesthesia.
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