Attitude and perceptions of employers to disabilities' employment: Tokat sample Engelli istihdamına ilişkin işverenlerin tutum ve algıları: Tokat örneği

Research problem is that there has been a social model transformation in the medical model focusing on the rehabilitation of disabled people. This transformation focuses on the fact that disabilities are part of social life. This view forms the basis of the social model. It is necessary to establish the social conditions necessary for the inclusion of the obstacles in front of the disabilities into the social life. By regulating these conditions, it will be possible for obstacles to take place at many points in life, from education to health and employment. Methods is this survey, which covers 126 public and private sector work places operating in Tokat, mainly reveals employers' views on employing disabled people. In this context, quantitative research method was used and data were collected through questionnaires. Findings of the research, the proportion of disabled employees among all employees is 2.97%. The vast majority of working disabilities constitute physical disabilities. There is no difference between employers and employees with disabilities and other employees on social benefits, wages or salary, leave periods and promotion. Employers find most of the disabled people through the Turkish Employment Agency.  Employers are not seeking any expertise or experience when requesting disabled workers. Employers are employed in jobs suitable for their disability. Conclusions is the main reason for employing employers with disabilities is the existence of the quota method in large part. Nearly 80% of employers do not consideremployingdisabledpeople in thecomingyears. Extended English summary is in the end of  Full Text  PDF (TURKISH)  file . Ozet Arastirmanin amaci, engelli bireylerin rehabilite edilmesi uzerine odaklanan medikal modelden sosyal modele donusum surecinde engellilerin toplumsal yasamin bir parcasi olmasina odaklanmaktir. Engellilerin onundeki engellerin kaldirilarak toplumsal yasama dahil edilmesi icin gerekli toplumsal kosullarin olusturulmasi gereklidir. Bu kosullarin duzenlenmesi ile egitimden sagliga ve istihdama kadar, yasamin bircok noktasinda engellilerin yer alabilmesi mumkun olacaktir. Arastirmanin yontemi, Tokat'ta faaliyet gosteren engelli calistiran 126 kamu ve ozel sektor isyerlerini kapsayan bu arastirma temel olarak, isverenlerin engelli calistirmaya yonelik bakis acilarini ortaya koymaktadir. Bu baglamda nicel arastirma yontemi kullanilmis ve veriler anketler araciligi ile toplanmistir. Arastirmanin bulgulari, butun calisanlar icerisinde engelli calisanlarin orani %2,97'dir. Calisan engellilerin buyuk cogunlugunu bedensel engelliler olusturmaktadir. Isverenler tarafindan engelli calisanlar ve diger calisanlar arasinda sosyal yardimlar, ucretler, izin sureleri ve terfi konularinda hicbir fark gozetilmemektedir. Isverenler engelli calisanlarin buyuk cogunlugunu Turkiye Is Kurumu araciligi ile bulmaktadir. Isverenler, engelli calisan talep ederken herhangi bir uzmanlik ya da tecrube aramamaktadir. Isverenler ise aldiklari engellileri vasiflarina uygun islerde calistirmaktadir. Arastirmanin sonucu ise, isverenlerin engelli istihdam etmesinin temel nedeni buyuk cogunlukla kota yonteminin varligidir. Isverenlerin %80'e yakini ise gelecek yillarda engelli istihdam etmeyi dusunmemektedir.
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