블록체인의 사용자경험 요소 도출

Blockchain enables a decentralized system to operate. It can provide benefits to users such as improving impartiality, stability, reducing service costs, and processing time. The number of decentralized applications (DApp) is now exploding. Users could receive new values and experiences through the blockchain products or services. It is important to provide a good UX for products or services that introduce blockchain. However, there are a few research studies on what factors the blockchain product or service should consider to provide a good UX. This study aims to derive the components of blockchain user experience (UX). A literature survey, blockchain service analysis, and a user survey were conducted. A total of 96 articles, including 39 blockchain UX related articles, were collected. Service values and functions that obtained from introducing blockchain technology were identified from analyzing 126 blockchain services. Finally, a user survey was conducted on the blockchain-based cryptocurrency exchange. As a result, five components of blockchain UX including usability, affect, sociability, economic value, and trust were derived along with their sub-components.
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