NemaNet: A convolutional neural network model for identification of nematodes soybean crop in brazil.

Phytoparasitic nematodes (or phytonematodes) are causing severe damage to crops and generating large-scale economic losses worldwide. In soybean crops, annual losses are estimated at 10.6% of world production. Besides, identifying these species through microscopic analysis by an expert with taxonomy knowledge is often laborious, time-consuming, and susceptible to failure. In this perspective, robust and automatic approaches are necessary for identifying phytonematodes capable of providing correct diagnoses for the classification of species and subsidizing the taking of all control and prevention measures. This work presents a new public data set called NemaDataset containing 3,063 microscopic images from five nematode species with the most significant damage relevance for the soybean crop. Additionally, we propose a new Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) model defined as NemaNet and a comparative assessment with thirteen popular models of CNNs, all of them representing the state of the art classification and recognition. The general average calculated for each model, on a from-scratch training, the NemaNet model reached 96.99% accuracy, while the best evaluation fold reached 98.03%. In training with transfer learning, the average accuracy reached 98.88\%. The best evaluation fold reached 99.34% and achieve an overall accuracy improvement over 6.83% and 4.1%, for from-scratch and transfer learning training, respectively, when compared to other popular models.
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