Immune response of poults following intranasal inoculation with Artvax vaccine and a formalin-inactivated Bordetella avium bacterin.

SUMMARY Poults 3 weeks and older developed temporary tracheal resistance to intranasal challenge following inoculation of either ArtvaxTI vaccine or formalin-inactivated Bordetella avium bacterin by the intranasal and eyedrop routes. Resistance usually persisted for 3-4 weeks after B. avium challenge. However, with constant exposure to infected controls, the vaccinated birds eventually developed tracheal infection. Dayold poults did not respond to either the Artvax or the bacterin and were completely susceptible to challenge. Two-week-old poults responded to some degree, but poults 3 weeks old and older responded best. Poults inoculated with bacterin by aerosol or by drinking water did not respond as well as those inoculated by the intranasal and eyedrop routes. When poults were given a single subcutaneous injection at 3 weeks of age and challenged 2 weeks later, three of five resisted infection for 18 days. RESUMEN Pavitos de 3 semanas de edad o mayores desarrollaron temporalmente resistencia traqueal frente al desafio despues de que se inocularon por la via nasal u ocular con la vacuna Artvax?T o con una bacterina inactivada con formol. La resistencia persisti6 por 3-4 semanas despues del desafio. Sin embargo, debido a la exposicion constante con aves infectadas, las aves vacunadas fueron finalmente susceptibles a la infeccion traqueal. Pavitos de un dia de edad no respondieron a la inoculacion con ArtvaxTM o con la bacterina y fueron completamente susceptibles al desafio. Pavitos de 2 semanas respondieron parcialmente pero la mejor respuesta se obtuvo en pavitos de 3 o mas semanas. Pavitos inoculados con la bacterina administrada
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